Saturday, February 27, 2010

Me Lessons

Since the day it became 'just me' instead of 'us', I have learned a few things about myself.

1) I can live off little more than chocolate Cheerios and Slim-Fast shakes. I do not care to spend the time or energy on cooking so I have a pretty simple diet. While I know that is not the healthiest way to sustain life, I accept my limitations.

2) I take more risks now that I no longer have someone I can use as an excuse for why I do not do something. I never realized how often, in my own mind or spoken aloud, I used Brian as a reason for why I stayed inside my comfort zone until I no longer had an easy excuse.

3) Worry comes easier and stays with me longer. I second-guess myself frequently and no one is right there to tell me if they think I am right or wrong. I have to learn to trust my own instincts.

4) I am loved deeply by many people. This is utterly humbling to me. I am so grateful for the love and support of my friends and family. I truly appreciate the love and respect Brian has been shown as well. There is no "bad guy" in this situation and I appreciate that no one is trying to make Brian out to be one in their zeal to support me.

I have been busier this past week than I have been at any time in recent history. However, I am coming to the end of the week satisfied and in good spirits. I have no idea where this path will lead but I look forward to the journey.

1 comment:

  1. I love your number one! I also live off cereal! Frosted Flakes and skim milk! Mmm!!

    I'm super proud of you!!
